Thursday, October 25, 2012

The Wicked Pigeon Ladies in the Garden

When I asked my mom for October book ideas, I should have known what she was about to say: "The wicked ladies one!"  I laughed when she said it, because when she bought "The Wicked Wicked Ladies in the Haunted House" a few years ago, I read it and didn't think much of it. 

I've been running out of "slightly sinister" ideas, however, so I took a quick run to the Library to see if I could find it, and TADA, I found the original version: "The Wicked Pigeon Ladies in the Garden" by Mary Chase.  I read the first chapter that night before bed as the rain was pounding outside my window (it really was a dark and stormy night!) and ended up having a nightmare that a wicked pigeon lady stole my scooter.  I don't even have a scooter!  Anyway, over the last two days I've really enjoyed it. I finally see why it left an such an impression on my mom when she was a kid. 

The Story: Maureen Swanson is a trouble-maker.  She's rude and pushy, and the neighborhood kids call her "Old Stinky".  She likes to hang around the deserted Messerman Mansion, but one day she finds a way in, meets a leprechaun, and angers the seven Messerman daughters--the wicked pigeon ladies--who haunt the house.  

Why It's Great:  If you can, try and find the older version: "The Wicked Pigeon Ladies in the Garden",  versus "The Wicked Wicked Ladies in the Haunted House", because the old version has these awesome illustrations that just make the whole thing creepier.   Also, it's a short, fast read, and teaches a good lesson as Maureen learns that she doesn't want to be mean.

Scariness:  I know the first chapter gave me nightmares, but if I'd just read a read a few more chapters I would have been fine! The Pigeon Ladies really are selfish and heartless, but the worst they do to Maureen is take her back in time, which is actually kind of cool.  I think this book is best for elementary aged kids, probably third or fourth grade. It's sinister but not too dark--the perfect thriller for kids.  Enjoy!

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