Saturday, September 1, 2012

Why Should We Care?

Why should we care about finding clean reads? Because reading has the potential to inspire us or to degrade us.

There are plenty of rating systems and rules in the world of the cinema.  You need I.D. to get into an R rated movie, and kids under 13 must be accompanied by an adult to see a PG-13 movie in theaters.

Unfortunately, the same is not true of libraries. Anyone who has walked into the YA section of the library has seen the heaving bosoms and disturbing graphics on the covers of novels that are marketed to teens.

There are several sites like this one on the internet, but like good friends, I believe the more of us there are, the happier we will be.

This site features three levels of goodness:

Clean--meant for older readers, usually high school age. These books sometimes deal with mature themes, but they are classy enough that I could/would recommend them to my Grandma.

Cleaner--almost spot free. These books have a few suggestive statements, a rare cuss word, etc. Usually suitable for a middle school audience.

Cleanest--gloriously clean and ready to be read.

Please feel free to leave comments on your favorite books, make suggestions for new reviews, etc.

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