Thursday, October 24, 2013

Castle Waiting by Linda Medley

Rating: Cleaner

Audience:  Though it was shelved in the JF section of the library, I would say eighth grade and up. Lady Jane's husband (not present in the book) is physically abusive and she is pregnant with another man's child.  I also just think that a lot of the wit would be lost on younger children.

Premise: After Sleeping Beauty woke up and got married and lived happily ever after, her castle and kingdom sort of just went to rot.  Her three ladies in waiting still live in the castle as old women and invite anyone who is looking for a refuge from the world to come live there as well.

Plot: The book is made up of a bunch of anecdotes (I believe each story was originally published separately in comic book form) from the different characters that live in the castle.  There is a pregnant noblewoman on the run, a bird-faced castle steward, a handsome talking horse, and my favorite: a bearded nun with a host of great stories from her circus days.

What makes it great?

Medieval fantasy setting, wit and humor on every page, and great illustrations.  I recommend this collection to anyone who 1. likes graphic novels 2. wants to like graphic novels 3. enjoys humorous fairy tale adaptations 4. LOVES THE STRANGE AND BIZARRE.

There is also a second volume (Castle Waiting Vol. 2) which is also very entertaining, though I prefer the first volume.

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