Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Spy X: The Code by Peter Lerangis

Rating: Cleanest

Audience: Third grade and up (though younger readers can enjoy).

Plot:  Andrew and Evie are twins who have just moved to a new town with their Dad.  Their mom went missing a year ago on their birthday and all three are still trying to adjust.  One day, however, the twins get a package of random junk from Alaska accompanied by a cryptic note. But further study reveals that each item has a special purpose (like a kaleidoscope that is actually a camera). Under the training of their new crazy next door neighbor, they enter the world of spying and begin to unravel the mystery of their mother's disappearance.

Warning: This is the first book in series that, alas, will never be finished. You can find books two (Hide and Seek), three (Proof Positive), and four (Tunnel Vision), but the series is now out of print, and Lerangis never wrote a fifth or sixth or seventh book.  I was so upset when I learned this that I went on to his website and emailed him, begging him to consider continuing the series, or to at least tell me how he would have ended it, and within a day or two he emailed back! Props to him! He told me that he wished he could have continued the series, but in the end it was up to his publishers and he had to move on.  He told me that he was considering many possibilities for the ending but never decided on one specific path. So really, I couldn't expect a nicer answer, but I was  still a little sad.  I guess I hoped that he would be a depressed man who had given up on his dream to write a series about child spies fighting against a top secret operation, and that he would read my email and suddenly have a purpose again--to write for his one true die-hard fan, and that through me, all would be made right.  Of course, I am glad that he isn't depressed, and he is still writing awesome books, so I should just move on.  Maybe this post can be my way of getting closure.

Allright, here goes nothing...


Well, I feel a little better. "Spy X" is an awesome series, and I highly recommend it, but just know before you start that you will have to make up your own ending. Thanks for reading.

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